1. // 先创建一个容器(container),这个容器必须能够装载任意类型的值,一个存放宝贵的数据的特殊盒子。 var Container = function (x) { this._value = x; }; // 作用容器的构造器(constructor) Container.of = function (x) { return new Container(x); }; // 测试容器 var test = Container.of(Container.of({name: 'fanerge'})) console.log(test)
123456789101112131415// 操作容器中的值// (a -> b) -> Container a -> Container bContainer.prototype.map = function (f) {return Container.of(f(this._value))};// 使用map方法Container.of(3).map(function (two) {return two + 2;});// Container(5)Container.of('fanerge').map(function (str) {return str.toUpperCase()});// Container('FANERGE')// 因为我们能够在不离开 Container 的情况下操作容器里面的值。这是非常了不起的一件事情。Container 里的值传递给 map 函数之后,就可以任我们操作;操作结束后,为了防止意外再把它放回它所属的 Container。这样做的结果是,我们能连续地调用 map,运行任何我们想运行的函数。functor 是实现了 map 函数并遵守一些特定规则的容器类型。
把值装进一个容器,而且只能使用 map 来处理它,让容器自己去运用函数能给我们带来什么好处?答案是抽象,对于函数运用的抽象。当 map 一个函数的时候,我们请求容器来运行这个函数。不夸张地讲,这是一种十分强大的理念。薛定谔的Maybe
123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627var Maybe = function (x) {this._value = x;};Maybe.of = function (x) {return new Maybe(x);};Maybe.prototype.isNoting = function () {return (this._value == null || this._value === undefined)};Maybe.prototype.map = function (f) {return this.isNoting() ? Maybe.of(null) : Maybe.of(f(this._value));};Maybe.of('Malkovich Malkovich').map(_.match(/a/ig)) // Maybe(['a', 'a']// map 完全有能力以 curry 函数的方式来“代理”任何 functorvar map = curry(function (f, any_functor_at_all) {return any_functor_at_all.map(f);});// safeHead :: [a] -> Maybe(a)var safeHead = function (xs) {return Maybe.of(xs[0]);};var streetName = _.compose(map(_.prop('street')), safeHead, _.prop('address'));streetName({addresses: [{street: "Shady Ln.", number: 4201}]}); // Maybe("Shady Ln.")购物的例子
123456789101112// withdraw :: Number -> Account -> Maybe(Account)var withdraw = curry(function (amount, account) {return account.balance >= amount ?Maybe.of({balance: acount.balance - amount}) :Maybe.of(null);})// finishTransaction :: Account -> Stringvar finishTransaction = compose(remainingBalance, updateLedger); //// <- 假定这两个函数已经在别处定义好了// getTwenty :: Account -> Maybe(String)var getTwenty = compose(map(finishTransaction), withdraw(20));getTwenty({balance: 200.00}); // Maybe("Your balance is $180.00")getTwenty({ balance: 10.00}); // Maybe(null)12345678910// maybe :: b -> (a -> b) -> Maybe a -> bvar may = curry(function (x, f, m) {return m.isNoting() ? x : f(m._value);});// getTwenty :: Account -> Stringvar getTwenty = compose(maybe("You're broke!", finishTransaction), withdraw(20));getTwenty({ balance: 200.00}); // "Your balance is $180.00"getTwenty({ balance: 10.00}); // "You're broke!"
Left 和 Right 是我们称之为 Either 的抽象类型的两个子类。var Left = function(x) { this.__value = x;}Left.of = function(x) { return new Left(x);}Left.prototype.map = function(f) { return this;}var Right = function(x) { this.__value = x;}Right.of = function(x) { return new Right(x);}Right.prototype.map = function(f) { return Right.of(f(this.__value));}// 就像 Maybe 可以有个 maybe 一样,Either 也可以有一个 either。两者的用法类似,但 either 接受两个函数(而不是一个)和一个静态值为参数。// either :: (a -> c) -> (b -> c) -> Either a b -> cvar either = curry(function(f, g, e) { switch(e.constructor) { case Left: return f(e.__value); case Right: return g(e.__value); }});// zoltar :: User -> _var zoltar = compose(console.log, either(id, fortune), getAge(moment()));zoltar({birthdate: '2005-12-12'});// "If you survive, you will be 10"// undefinedzoltar({birthdate: 'balloons!'});// "Birth date could not be parsed"// undefined
var IO = function (f) { this.__value = f;};IO.of = function (x) { return new IO(function () { return x; });};IO.prototype.map = function (f) { return new IO(_.compose(f, this.__value));};// io_window_ :: IO Windowvar io_window = new IO(function () { return window;})io_window.map(function (win) { return win.innerWidth }) // IO(1430)io_window.map(_.prop('location')).map(_.prop('href')).map(split('/')); // IO(["http:", "", "localhost:8000", "blog", "posts"])// $ :: String -> IO [DOM]var $ = function(selector) { return new IO(function(){ return document.querySelectorAll(selector); });}$('#myDiv').map(head).map(function(div){ return div.innerHTML; }); // IO('I am some inner html')
纯代码库: lib/params.jsvar url = new IO(function () { return window.location.href; });// toPairs = String -> [[String]]var toPairs = compose(map(split('='), split('&'));// params :: String -> [[String]]var params = conmpose(toPairs, last, split('?'));// findParam = String -> Io Maybe [String]var findParam = function (key) { return map(compose(Maybe.of, filter(compose(eq(key), head)), params), url);};// 调用 __value() 来运行它!findParam('searchTerm').__value();// Maybe(['searchTerm', 'wafflehouse'])
// Postgres.connect :: Url -> IO DbConnection// runQuery :: DbConnection -> ResultSet// readFile :: String -> Task Error String// Pure application//=====================// dbUrl :: Config -> Either Error Urlvar dbUrl = function(c) { return (c.uname && c.pass && c.host && c.db) ? Right.of("db:pg://"+c.uname+":"+c.pass+"@"+c.host+"5432/"+c.db) : Left.of(Error("Invalid config!"));}// connectDb :: Config -> Either Error (IO DbConnection)var connectDb = compose(map(Postgres.connect), dbUrl);// getConfig :: Filename -> Task Error (Either Error (IO DbConnection))var getConfig = compose(map(compose(connectDB, JSON.parse)), readFile);// Impure calling code//=====================getConfig("db.json").fork( logErr("couldn't read file"), either(console.log, map(runQuery)));
// identitymap(id) === id;// compositioncompose(map(f), map(g)) === map(compose(f, g));